/tænˈdʒɪə(r)/- a seaport on the northern coast of Morocco, on the Strait of Gibraltar commanding the western entrance to the Mediterranean; pop. 762,583 (2004). Portuguese from the end of the 15th century, Tangier was ruled by the sultan of Morocco 1684-1904, when it came under international control; it passed to the newly independent monarchy of Morocco in 1956.丹吉尔(摩洛哥北海岸的一个港口, 位于直布罗陀海峡, 扼地中海的西部入口; 2004年人口762,583; 从15世纪末起属葡萄牙, 在1684-1904年间丹吉尔归摩洛哥苏丹的统治, 后来成为国际管辖区; 1956年并入新独立的摩洛哥王国)。