- Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de (1754-1838), French statesman; full surname Talleyrand-Périgord. Involved in the coup that brought Napoleon to power, he became head of the new government after the fall of Napoleon (1814) and was later instrumental in the overthrow of Charles X and the accession of Louis Philippe (1830).塔列朗, 查尔斯·莫里斯·德(1754-1838, 法国政治家; 姓氏全称为塔列朗-佩里戈尔, 参与了使拿破仑上台的政变, 拿破仑帝国覆灭[1814]后成为新政府的首脑, 后来又参与了推翻查理十世和路易斯·菲利普继任[1830]事件)。