/ˈkæstrəʊ/- Castro, Fidel (b.1927), Cuban statesman, Prime Minister 1959-76 and President 1976-2008. After overthrowing President Batista he set up a communist regime which survived the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the collapse of the Soviet bloc. In 2008, he stood down in favour of his brother Raúl Castro.卡斯特罗, 菲德尔(生于1927年, 古巴政治家、总理[1959-1976]和主席[1976-2008], 推翻总统巴蒂斯塔后建立了共产主义政权, 并历经流产的猪湾入侵、古巴导弹危机和苏联阵营的解体等事件; 2008年退隐, 支持其弟劳尔·卡斯特罗上台)。