- a tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant of the pea family, native to warm climates. Cassias yield a variety of products, including fodder, timber, and medicinal drugs, and many are cultivated as ornamentals.山扁豆, 决明。
- ORIGIN: modern Latin.
- Genus Cassia, family Leguminosae: many species, including C. fistula, which provides much of the commercially produced senna.决明属, 豆科:多种, 包括提供了许多商业生产的轻泻剂的腊肠树。
- (亦作cassia bark)[mass noun] the aromatic bark of an East Asian tree, yielding an inferior kind of cinnamon which is sometimes used to adulterate true cinnamon桂皮, 肉桂。
- ORIGIN: from Latin, probably denoting the wild cinnamon, via Greek from Hebrew qěṣī'āh.
- Cinnamomum aromaticum, family Lauraceae.拉丁名Cinnamomum aromaticum,樟科。