- of or relating to the Frankish dynasty, founded by Charlemagne's father (Pepin Ⅲ) , that ruled in western Europe from 750 to 987(与)加洛林王朝(有关)的(由查理曼之父丕平三世所建立的统治欧洲西部的法兰克王朝[750- 987])。
- denoting or relating to a style of minuscule script developed in France during the time of Charlemagne, on which modern lower-case letters are largely based卡洛林小草书体的(法国查理曼时期所发展的草写小字体, 为现代小写字体主要基础)。
- a member of the Carolingian dynasty卡洛林王朝成员。
alteration of earlier CARLOVINGIAN, by association with medieval Latin Carolus 'Charles'.