(pl. -ies)
- (亦作tabby cat)a grey or brownish cat mottled or streaked with dark stripes斑猫。
- [ORIGIN: late 17th cent. (as tabby cat): said to be so named from its striped colouring.]
- mass noun a fabric with a watered pattern, typically silk波纹织物(尤指波纹绸)。
- mass noun a plain weave平纹。
- mass noun a type of concrete made of lime, shells, gravel, and stones, which dries very hard(石灰碎石组成的)土质混凝土。
- [ORIGIN: early 19th cent. (originally tabby work): perhaps a different word, or from a resemblance in colour to that of a tabby cat.]
- a small moth with dark wavy markings on the forewings斑蛾。
- Genus Aglossa (family Pyralidae), often found in barns and warehouses, and genus Epizeuxis (family Noctuidae).缟螟属(螟蛾科), 经常在谷仓和仓库中发现, 还有云杉夜蛾属(夜蛾科)。
- (of a cat) grey or brownish in colour and streaked with dark stripes(猫)灰(或棕)色带黑条纹的。
late 16th cent. (denoting a kind of silk taffeta, originally striped, later with a watered finish: see sense 2): from French tabis, based on Arabic al-'Attābiyya, the name of the quarter of Baghdad where tabby was manufactured.