/kəˈnjuːt/(亦作Cnut 或Knut)
- (d.1035) , Danish king of England 1017-35, Denmark 1018- 35, and Norway 1028-35, son of Sweyn I. He is remembered for demonstrating to fawning courtiers his inability to stop the rising tide; this has become distorted in folklore to suggest that Canute really expected to turn back the tide.克努特(卒于1035年, 丹麦人, 英格兰国王[1017-1035], 丹麦国王[1018-1035], 挪威国王[1028-1035], 斯韦恩一世之子, 因在佞臣面前无力阻止日益高涨的紧张局势而为人们所记住; 在民间传说中克努特被曲说成确实想扭转局势)。