- having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salt, sour, or bitter甜的:
a cup of hot sweet tea
figurative 〈喻〉a sweet taste of success.
- (of air, water, or food) fresh, pure, and untainted(空气)清新的; (水)纯净的; (食物)新鲜的:
lungfuls of the clean, sweet air.
- often in combination smelling pleasant like flowers or perfume; fragrant芳香的:
sweet-smelling flowers.
- pleasing in general; delightful快乐的; 愉快的:
it was the sweet life he had always craved.
- highly satisfying or gratifying非常令人满意的:
some sweet, short-lived revenge.
- often as exclamation informal used in expressions of assent or approval〈非正式〉[用于表示同意, 赞成]好的:
'Yeah, I'd like to come to the party.' 'Sweet, mate.'
“是的, 我会去参加聚会的。”“好的, 老兄。”
- working, moving, or done smoothly or easily容易操纵的; 运转平稳的:
the sweet handling of this motorcycle.
- (of sound) melodious or harmonious(声音)悦耳的; 和谐的:
the sweet notes of the flute.
- chiefly US denoting music, especially jazz, played at a steady tempo without improvisation〈主美〉(音乐, 尤指爵士乐)甜派风格的(音乐速度平稳没有即兴演奏的)。
- (of a person or action) pleasant and kind or thoughtful(人, 行为)惹人喜爱的; 和蔼的; 体贴的:
a very sweet nurse came along.
- (especially of a person or animal) charming and endearing(尤指人或动物)可爱的; 迷人的; 讨人喜欢的:
a sweet little cat.
- predic.
sweet on
informal, dated infatuated or in love with〈非正式, 旧〉迷恋; 爱: she seemed quite sweet on him.
- dear; beloved亲爱的:
my sweet love.
- archaic used as a respectful form of address〈古〉尊敬的(用作称呼):
go to thy rest, sweet sir.
请您去休息吧, 尊敬的先生。
- used for emphasis in various phrases and exclamations丝毫的, 一丁点儿的(用在短语和感叹句中表示强调):
'What had happened?' 'Sweet nothing.'
one's own sweet-
used to emphasize the unpredictable individuality of someone's actions随心所欲的(用于强调行为的不可预测和随个人意愿):I'd rather carry on in my own sweet way.
- Brit. a small shaped piece of confectionery made with sugar〈英〉糖果:
a bag of sweets.
- Brit. a sweet dish forming a course of a meal; a pudding or dessert〈英〉甜食; 布丁; 饭后甜点。
- used as an affectionate form of address to a person one is very fond of宝贝, 亲爱的(用作爱称):
hello, my sweet.
你好, 我的宝贝儿。
the sweet
archaic or poetic/literary the sweet part or element of something〈古或诗/文〉幸福:you have had the bitter, now comes the sweet.
the pleasures or delights found in something快乐; 乐趣:the sweets of office.
keep someone sweet
- informal keep somone well disposed towards oneself, especially by favours or bribery〈非正式〉(尤指以献殷勤或贿赂的方式)讨好某人; 巴结某人。
she's sweet
- Austral. informal all is well〈澳, 非正式〉一切都好。
sweet dreams
- used to express good wishes to a person going to bed做个美梦。
sweet sixteen
- used to refer to the age of sixteen as characterized by prettiness and innocence in a girl.16岁的花季(表示16岁女孩子的漂亮和天真)。