- mass noun a Bantu language widely used as a lingua franca in East Africa and having official status in several countries. There are probably fewer than 2 million native speakers, but it is in everyday use by over 20 million.斯瓦希里语(非洲东部作为通用语广泛使用的一种班图语, 在几个国家都已成为官方语言; 大概有不足200万本族语使用者, 但日常使用者有2,000多万人)。亦称KISWAHILI.
- a member of a people of Zanzibar and nearby coastal regions, descendants of the original speakers of Swahili斯瓦希里人(桑给巴尔岛及其附近沿海地区的人, 是斯瓦希里语原使用者的后代)。
- of or relating to this language or to the people who are its native speakers(与)斯瓦希里语(有关)的; (与)斯瓦希里人(有关)的。
from Arabic sawāil, plural of sāil 'coast'.