/ˈsʌtlɪdʒ/- a river of northern India and Pakistan which rises in the Himalayas in SW of the Chinese autonomous region of Tibet, and flows for 1,450 km (900 miles) westwards through India into Punjab province in Pakistan, where it joins the Chenab River to form the Panjnad and eventually join the Indus. It is one of the five rivers that gave Punjab its name.萨特莱杰河(流经印度北部和巴基斯坦的河流, 源出中国西藏自治区西南部的喜马拉雅山, 向西流经印度进入巴基斯坦的旁遮普省, 同杰纳布河汇成潘杰纳得河, 最后注入印度河, 全长1,450公里, 即900英里; 旁遮普省因五条河流而得其名, 该河是其中之一)。