/ˈkædməs/- Greek Mythology the brother of Europa and traditional founder of Thebes in Boeotia. He killed a dragon which guarded a spring, and when (on Athene's advice) he sowed the dragon's teeth there came up a harvest of armed men; he disposed of the majority by setting them to fight one another, and the survivors formed the ancestors of the Theban nobility.【希腊神话】卡德摩斯(欧罗巴的兄弟, 传说为皮奥夏地区底比斯城的创建人, 杀死了一条守护泉水的龙, 听从雅典娜的建议播种龙齿, 任其长出众多武士并让他们彼此残杀以除去其中的绝大多数, 幸存者成为底比斯城贵族的祖先)。