/ˈberɪ/- put or hide underground埋于地下:
he buried the box in the back garden
as adj. buried buried treasure.埋在地下的财宝。
- usu. be buried place (a dead body) in the earth, in a tomb, or in the sea, usually with funeral rites埋葬:
he was buried in St John's churchyard.
- figurative lose (someone, especially a relative) through death〈喻〉失去(某人, 尤指亲属):
she buried her sixty-year-old husband.
她丈夫去世了, 享年60岁。
- cause to disappear or become unnoticeable使消失; 藏匿:
the countryside has been buried under layers of concrete
figurative 〈喻〉the warehouse was buried in the faceless sprawl of south London.
- move or put out of sight隐藏; 把…插入:
she buried her face in her hands
with his hands buried in the pockets of his overcoat.
- figurative deliberately forget; conceal from oneself〈喻〉(故意)遗忘; 忘却:
they had buried their feelings of embarrassment and fear.
- informal (of a football player) put (the ball) in the goal〈非正式〉(球员) 把(球)射入球门:
he ran through to bury a right-foot shot inside the near post.
他带球过人, 用右脚在近门柱处射球入网。
- overwhelm (an opponent) beyond hope of recovery制服, 压倒(对手):
he said that socialism would bury capitalism.
bury oneself
involve oneself deeply in something to the exclusion of other concerns忙于, 专心于:he buried himself in work.
bury the hatchet
- end a quarrel or conflict and become friendly和解, 结束冲突。
bury one's head in the sand
- ignore unpleasant realities不正视现实; 逃避现实; 不愿正视困难, 采取鸵鸟政策。