- (of a container) break suddenly and violently apart, spilling the contents, especially as a result of an impact or internal pressure爆炸; 炸裂; 崩裂:
we started to inflate our balloons and eventually one burst.
我们开始给气球充气, 最后有一个爆了。
- with obj. cause a break, especially by puncturing戳破:
he burst the balloon in my face.
- with obj.(of contents) break open (a container) from the inside by growing too large to be held爆裂; 撑破:
the swollen river was expected to burst its banks.
- with obj. suffer from the sudden breaking of (a bodily organ or vessel)(器官或血管)破裂:
he burst a blood vessel during a fit of coughing.
- be so full as almost to break open装满:
the wardrobe was bursting with piles of clothes.
衣柜放满了衣服, 几乎关不上了。
- feel a very strong or irrepressible emotion or impulse充满感情, 非常激动:
he was bursting with joy and excitement
with infinitive she was bursting to say something.她满心想说些什么。
- suddenly begin doing something as an expression of a strong feeling突然爆发(某种感情):
anyone said anything to upset me I'd burst out crying
谁只要说些什么气我, 我立即会哭
she burst into a fresh flood of tears.
- issue suddenly and uncontrollably, as though from a splitting container冲出, 爆发出:
the words burst from him in an angry rush
他一阵狂怒, 连珠炮似的说出那些话。
an aircraft crashed and burst into flames.
- be opened suddenly and forcibly打开, 冲开:
a door burst open and a girl raced out.
门突然打开, 一个女孩冲了出来。
- with adverbial of direction make one's way suddenly and violently冲, 闯:
he burst into the room without knocking.
- with obj. separate (continuous stationery) into single sheets分页, 断纸。
- an instance of breaking or splitting as a result of internal pressure or puncturing; an explosion爆炸。
- a sudden issuing forth猝发:
her breath was coming in short bursts.
- a sudden brief outbreak, typically of something violent or noisy迸发, 突然爆发:
a sudden burst of activity
he heard a burst of gunfire.
- a period of continuous and intense effort冲刺, 一阵猛冲:
he sailed 474 miles in one 24-hour burst.
burst someone's bubble
- shatter someone's illusions about something or destroy their sense of well-being打碎某人的梦想; 摧毁某人的安康。