brown rot
mass noun
1- a fungal disease causing the rotting and browning of parts of plants, in particular(植物的)褐腐病, 尤指:
- a disease producing discoloration and shrivelling of apples, pears, plums, and other fruit (caused by fungi of the genus Sclerotinia, subdivision Ascomycotina)引起苹果、桃子、李子或其他水果的变色和起皱等的褐腐病(因感染核盘菌属真菌引起, 子囊菌亚门)。
- a disease resulting in the softening and cracking of timber (caused by bracket fungi of the family Polyporaceae, class Hymenomycetes).引起木材软化(或开裂)的褐腐病(因感染多孔菌科的檐状菌引起, 层菌纲)。