St Thomas
- an island in the Caribbean, the second-largest of the US Virgin Islands, situated to the east of Puerto Rico; pop. 53,700 (est. 2009); chief town, Charlotte Amalie. Settled by the Dutch in 1657, it passed nine years later to the Danes, who sold it to the US in 1917.圣托马斯岛(加勒比海岛屿, 美属维尔京群岛的第二大岛, 位于波多黎各岛的东面, 2009年估计人口53,700; 主要城镇夏洛特阿马利亚; 1657年荷兰人在此建立殖民地, 九年后转让给丹麦人, 1917年卖给美国)。