- with obj. hit forcibly and deliberately with one's hand or a weapon or other implement打, 击:
he raised his hand, as if to strike me
one man was struck on the head with a stick
no obj. Ewan struck out at her.尤恩挥拳狠狠地向她打去。
- inflict (a blow)给予(一击):
with two objs he struck her two blows on the leg.他在她腿上打了两下。
- accidentally hit (a part of one's body) against something碰, 撞击:
she fell, striking her head against the side of the boat.
- come into forcible contact or collision with碰撞, 撞:
he was struck by a car in Whitepark Road.
- (of a beam or ray of light or heat) fall on (an object or surface)(光束, 光线, 热)照到; 落在…上:
the light struck her ring, reflecting off the diamond.
光线照在她的戒指上, 使钻石熠熠闪耀。
- (in sporting contexts) hit or kick (a ball) so as to score a run, point, or goal(体育用语)击中(球), 踢入(球):
he struck the ball into the back of the net.
- no obj.(of a clock) indicate the time by sounding a chime or stroke(时钟)敲, 鸣, 响:
with complement the church clock struck twelve.教堂钟敲响了12点。
- no obj.(of time) be indicated in this way(时间)被鸣报:
eight o'clock struck.
- ignite (a match) by rubbing it briskly against an abrasive surface擦(火柴)。
- produce (fire or a spark) as a result of friction(摩擦)打(火, 火花):
his iron stick struck sparks from the pavement.
- bring (an electric arc) into being触发(电弧)。
- produce (a musical note) by pressing or hitting a key弹奏, 奏出。
- with obj.(of a disaster, disease, or other unwelcome phenomenon) occur suddenly and have harmful or damaging effects on(灾难、疾病等)突然降临, 侵袭:
an earthquake struck the island
no obj. tragedy struck when Nick was killed in a car crash尼克在车祸中丧生, 悲剧降临了
as adj., in combination struck storm-struck areas.遭暴风雨袭击的地区。
- no obj. carry out an aggressive or violent action, typically without warning攻击, 进攻, 突袭:
it was eight months before the murderer struck again.
- (一般作be struck down)kill or seriously incapacitate (someone)杀死; 使严重致残:
he was struck down by a mystery virus.
strike something into
cause or create a particular strong emotion in (someone)引起(强烈感情):drugs - a subject guaranteed to strike fear into parents' hearts.
毒品, 一个肯定会在父母心中产生恐惧的话题。
- with obj. and complement cause (someone) to be in a specified state使陷入, 使处于特定状态:
he was struck dumb.
- with obj.(of a thought or idea) come into the mind of (someone) suddenly or unexpectedly使突然想起, 使突然想到:
a disturbing thought struck Melissa.
- cause (someone) to have a particular impression给…以特别的印象:
with clause it struck him that Marjorie was unusually silent他感到玛乔丽异常的沉默
the idea struck her as odd.
be struck by/with
find particularly interesting, noticeable, or impressive使喜爱, 使受吸引:Lucy was struck by the ethereal beauty of the scene.
be struck on
informal be deeply fond of or infatuated with〈非正式〉使特别喜欢, 使迷恋:she was rather struck on Angus, wasn't she?
她迷上了安格斯, 是不是?
- no obj.(of employees) refuse to work as a form of organized protest, typically in an attempt to obtain a particular concession or concessions from their employer罢工:
workers may strike over threatened job losses.
- with obj. N. Amer. undertake such action against (an employer)〈北美〉罢工(反对雇主)。
- with obj. cancel, remove, or cross out with or as if with a pen取消, 删除; 勾销:
strike his name from the list
the Court of Appeal struck out the claim for exemplary damages
striking words through with a pen.
strike someone off
officially remove someone from membership of a professional group把…从(专业团体中)除名:he was struck off by the Law Society and will never practise as a solicitor again.
他被律师公会除名, 从此再也不能从事律师业了。
strike something down
N. Amer. abolish a law or regulation〈北美〉废除, 废止(法律, 规定):the law was struck down by the Supreme Court.
- with obj. make (a coin or medal) by stamping metal铸造(硬币); 冲制, 压出(奖章)。
- (in cinematography) make (another print) of a film(电影摄影术)复制。
- reach, achieve, or agree to (something involving agreement, balance, or compromise)达成(协议, 妥协); 达到(平衡):
the team has struck a deal with a sports marketing agency
you have to strike a happy medium.
- (in financial contexts) reach (a figure) by balancing an account(金融用语)结算; 算出:
last year's loss was struck after allowing for depreciation of £67 million.
在把6,700万英镑折旧费计入后, 去年的亏损就算出来了。
- Canadian form (a committee)〈加〉组成(委员会):
the government struck a committee to settle the issue.
- with obj. discover (gold, minerals, or oil) by drilling or mining发现(黄金, 矿物, 石油)。
- no obj.
strike on/upon
discover or think of, especially unexpectedly or by chance(尤指偶然)发现; 想到: pondering, she struck upon a brilliant idea.
沉思了一下, 她突然想到一个绝好的主意。
- come to or reach来到, 到达:
several days out of the village, we struck the Gilgit Road.
离村几天后, 我们来到了吉尔吉特公路。
- no obj., with adverbial of direction move or proceed vigorously or purposefully(精力充沛地或有目的地)移动, 行进:
she struck out into the lake with a practised crawl
he struck off down the track.
strike out
start out on a new or independent course or endeavour闯出(或开辟)新的(或独立的)事业:after two years he was able to strike out on his own
he's struck out as a private eye.
- with obj. take down (a tent or the tents of an encampment)拆除(帐篷); 撤(营):
it took ages to strike camp.
- dismantle (theatrical scenery)拆除(戏剧布景):
the minute we finish this evening, they'll start striking the set.
今天晚上我们演出一结束, 他们就将开始拆除布景。
- lower or take down (a flag or sail), especially as a salute or to signify surrender降(帆, 旗)(以示敬意或投降):
the ship struck her German colours.
- with obj. insert (a cutting of a plant) in soil to take root把(枝)插进土里生根。
- no obj.(of a plant or cutting) develop roots(植物, 扦插)生根:
small conifers will strike from cuttings.
- no obj.(of a young oyster) attach itself to a bed(小牡蛎)附着。
- no obj. Fishing secure a hook in the mouth of a fish by jerking or tightening the line after it has taken the bait or fly【渔】急拉钓线把鱼钩住。
- a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer罢工:
dockers voted for an all-out strike
mass noun local government workers went on strike地方政府雇员举行罢工
as modifier strike action.罢工行动。
- with modifier a refusal to do something expected or required, typically by a body of people, with a similar aim拒绝, 抗拒:
a rent strike.
- a sudden attack, typically a military one袭击, 偷袭:
the threat of nuclear strikes.
- (in sporting contexts) an act of hitting or kicking a ball, typically so as to score a point or goal(体育中得分的)击球, 踢球:
his 32nd-minute strike helped the team to end a run of three defeats.
- (in tenpin bowling) an act of knocking down all the pins with one's first ball(十柱保龄球)一投全倒。
- Fishing an act or instance of jerking or tightening the line to secure a fish that has already taken the bait or fly【渔】(对已上钩的鱼)急拉钓线。
- a discovery of gold, minerals, or oil by drilling or mining(黄金、矿物、石油的)钻探发现, 探明:
the Lena goldfields strike of 1912.
- Baseball a batter's unsuccessful attempt to hit a pitched ball【棒球】(击球手击打投球)未击中。
- a pitch that passes through the strike zone(投出的)好球。
- US something to one's discredit〈美〉败坏名声的事, 对名声不利的事:
when they returned from Vietnam they had two strikes against them.
- the horizontal or compass direction of a stratum, fault, or other geological feature(地层、断层等地质特征的)走向。
- short for FLY STRIKE.FLY STRIKE的简称。
strike an attitude(或 pose)
- hold one's body in a particular position to create an impression摆姿势:
striking a dramatic pose, Antonia announced that she was leaving.
strike a balance
strike a blow for(或at/against)
- do something to help (or hinder) a cause, belief, or principle(不)拥护, (不)支持:
just by finishing the race, she hopes to strike a blow for womankind.
她希望仅仅是跑完全程就可为女性争光。STRIKE A CHORD 见
strike at the root(或 roots)of
- 见
strike hands
- archaic (of two people) clasp hands to seal a deal or agreement〈古〉(两人)击掌敲定(生意或协议)。
strike home
- 见HOME.
strike (it) lucky
- Brit. informal have good luck in a particular matter〈英, 非正式〉走运, 交好运。
strike it rich
- informal acquire a great deal of money, typically in a sudden or unexpected way〈非正式〉发横财, 暴富。
strike a light
- Brit. informal, dated used as an expression of surprise, dismay, or alarm〈英, 非正式, 旧〉[用于表示吃惊、沮丧或惊恐]哎唷。
strike me pink
- Brit. informal, dated used to express astonishment or indignation〈英, 非正式, 旧〉[用于表示惊讶或愤慨]真是见鬼!
strike while the iron is hot
- make use of an opportunity immediately趁热打铁。
- ORIGIN: with reference to smithing.
strike back
- retaliate反击, 回击:
he struck back at critics who claim he is too negative.
- (of a gas burner) burn from an internal point before the gas has become mixed with air(煤气灶)回火。
strike in
- archaic intervene in a conversation or discussion〈古〉插嘴, 打断(谈话, 讨论)。
strike someone out(或 strike out)
- Baseball dismiss someone (or be dismissed) by means of three strikes【棒球】使三击不中出局。
strike out
N. Amer. informal fail or be unsuccessful〈北美, 非正式〉失败, 不成功: the company struck out the first time it tried to manufacture personal computers.
strike up(或 strike something up)
- (of a band or orchestra) begin to play a piece of music(乐队)开始演奏:
they struck up the 'Star-Spangled Banner'.
strike something up
begin a friendship or conversation with someone, typically in a casual way(尤指随意地)开始相识(或谈话)。