- Braun1, Eva (1910- 45), German mistress of Adolf Hitler. Braun and Hitler are thought to have married during the fall of Berlin, shortly before committing suicide together in the air-raid shelter of his Berlin headquarters.布劳恩, 爱娃(1910-1945, 阿道夫·希特勒的德国情妇; 人们认为布劳恩和希特勒在柏林陷落时结婚, 此后不久就与希特勒在柏林总部的防空洞里双双自杀)。
- Braun2, Karl Ferdinand (1850-1918), German physicist. Braun invented the coupled system of radio transmission and the Braun tube (forerunner of the cathode ray tube), in which a beam of electrons could be deflected. Nobel Prize for Physics (1909).布劳恩, 卡尔·费迪南德(1850-1918, 德国物理学家, 发明了无线电报发报耦合系统和电子束能在其中偏斜的布劳恩管, 即阴极射线管的前身; 1909年获诺贝尔物理学奖)。
- Braun3, Wernher Magnus Maximilian von (1912-77), German-born American rocket engineer. Braun led development of the V-2 rockets used by Germany in the Second World War. After the war he moved to the US, where he pioneered the work which resulted in the space programme.布劳恩, 魏伯纳·马格纳斯·麦克西米利安·冯(1912-1977, 德国出生的美国火箭工程师, 领导了V-2型火箭的研发工作, 德国在二战中曾使用过该火箭, 二战后移居美国, 在那里他所从事的开拓性工作导致了太空计划的产生)。