- a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid(多指正方形或长方形有盖子的)箱, 盒, 匣:
a cigarette box
a hat box.
- the contents of such a container一箱(或一盒、一匣的)容量:
she ate a whole box of chocolates that night.
the box
informal, chiefly Brit. television or a television set〈非正式, 主英〉电视(或电视接收机):light entertainment shows on the box
we sat around the box watching the match.
- informal a casing containing a computer〈非正式〉电脑外壳。
- informal a coffin〈非正式〉棺材:
I always thought I'd be in a box when I finally left here.
那时我常想, 当我最后离开这里时, 我可能已进棺材了。
- historical a coachman's seat〈史〉(马车的)驭者座。
- vulgar slang, chiefly N.Amer. a woman's vagina〈粗俚, 主北美〉(女人的)阴道。
- an area or space enclosed within straight lines, in particular方框, 方格, 尤指:
- an area on a page that is to be filled in or that contains separate printed matter空格(或加框文字):
tick the box on the coupon.
- an area on a computer screen for user input or displaying information电脑屏幕上的用户输入区(或信息显示区)。
- a box junction(遇红灯时车辆不得驶入的)路口方形黄线区
the box
Soccer the penalty area【英足】罚球区。
the box
Baseball the area occupied by the batter【棒球】击球手所在的区。
- a small structure or building for a specific purpose, in particular专用区, 尤指:
- a separate section or enclosed area within a larger building, especially one reserved for a group of people in a theatre or sports ground or for witnesses or the jury in a law court(戏院或运动场等处的)包厢; (法庭内的)证人席; 陪审员席:
the royal box.
- Brit. a small country house for use when shooting or fishing〈英〉(狩猎或捕鱼时住的)乡间小屋。
- a facility at a newspaper office for receiving replies to an advertisement(报社内所设的)应征应聘来函信箱:
write to me care of Box 112.
- a facility at a post office whereby letters are kept until called for by the addressee(用户从邮局租用的)个人专用信箱。
- [常作adj. boxed] put in or provide with a box把…置于箱(或盒等)内; 为…配上箱子(或盒子):
the books are sold as a boxed set
Muriel boxed up all Christopher's clothes.
- enclose (a piece of text) within printed lines加框于, 加花边于:
boxed sections in magazines.
box someone in
restrict the ability of (someone) to move freely堵住, 困住:a van had double-parked alongside her car and totally boxed her in.
一辆货车双行停在她的汽车旁, 将她困住。
box sheep up
Austral./NZ mix up different flocks〈澳/新西兰〉(非同群牲畜)混杂, 混群。
be a box of birds
- Austral./NZ informal be fine; be happy〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉旺盛的士气; 快乐。
box of tricks
- informal an ingenious gadget〈非正式〉精巧的装置:
all those magical effects were produced by this little box of tricks here.
out of the box
- Austral./NZ informal unusually good〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉非常好:
the novel is nothing out of the box.
[ORIGIN: by association with the phrase look fresh out of a bandbox 'look very smart' (see BANDBOX).]
out of one's box
- Brit. informal intoxicated with alcohol or drugs〈英, 非正式〉喝醉的; (因酒精或毒品的作用而)兴奋的。
think outside the box
- informal have ideas that are original, creative, or innovative〈非正式〉创造性地思考; 富有革新精神地思考; 不受条条框框束缚地思考。
noun (pl. -fuls)box-like
adjective- fight (an opponent) using one's fists; compete in the sport of boxing与…斗拳; 与…进行拳击比赛:
he boxed for England
with obj. he had to box Benn for the title.他不得不与本争夺拳击比赛冠军。
- a slap with the hand on the side of a person's head given as a punishment or in anger耳光:
she gave him a box on the ear.
box clever
- Brit. informal 〈英, 非正式〉act so as to outwit someone瞒骗; 智胜:
she had to box clever, let Adam think she had accepted what he said.
她不得不耍个花招, 让亚当相信她已经接受了他的观点。
box someone's ears
- slap someone on the side of the head as a punishment or in anger打某人耳光。
- (亦作box tree)a slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with small glossy dark green leaves. It is widely used in hedging and for topiary, and yields hard, heavy timber.黄杨属植物, 锦熟黄杨。
- Buxus sempervirens, family Buxaceae.拉丁名Buxus sempervirens, 黄杨科
- any of a number of trees which have similar timber or foliage, in particular木材或树叶相似的树, 尤指:
- several Australian eucalyptus trees (genus Eucalyptus, family Myrtaceae)澳大利亚桉树(桉属, 桃金娘科).
- the tropical American Venezuelan (or West Indian) box (Casearia praecox, family Flacourtiaceae), the timber of which has now largely replaced that of the European box.南美委内瑞拉或西印度群岛的早生脚骨脆(拉丁名Casearia praecox,大风子科), 早生脚骨脆木材已大量替代欧洲黄杨木。