St Kitts and Nevis
/kɪts/- a country in the Caribbean consisting of two adjoining islands of the Leeward Islands; pop. 40,100 (est. 2009); languages, English (official), Creole; capital, Basseterre (on St Kitts). Official name
F EDERATION OFS TC HRISTOPHER ANDN EVIS.圣基茨和尼维斯(加勒比海国家, 由背风群岛的两个毗邻岛屿组成, 2009年估计人口40,100; 语言英语[官方]和克里奥耳语, 首都巴斯特尔[位于圣基茨岛], 官方名称圣克里斯托弗和尼维斯联邦)。
St Kitts was visited in 1493 by Christopher Columbus. The islands were colonized by English settlers from 1623, becoming the first successful English colony in the West Indies. A self-governing union between St Kitts and Nevis (and briefly Anguilla) was created in 1967 and became a fully independent member of the Commonwealth in 1983.
St Kitts, alteration (by settlers) of St Christopher, a name given to the island by Columbus; Nevis from Spanish las nieves 'the snows' (because of the 'snowy' clouds surrounding the peak).