/ˈbʊlɪn/- Boleyn, Anne (1507- 36), second wife of Henry Ⅷ and mother of Elizabeth Ⅰ. Henry divorced Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne (1533), but she fell from favour when she failed to provide him with a male heir and was eventually executed because of alleged infidelities.博林, 安妮(1507-1536, 亨利八世的第二任妻子, 伊丽莎白一世之母, 为了能与安妮结婚[1533], 亨利与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳离婚, 但安妮未能给亨利生一个男性继承人而失宠, 最后以据称的不贞罪名被处死)。