/ˈbəʊə(r)/- Niels Hendrik David (1885-1962), Danish physicist and pioneer in quantum physics. Bohr's theory of the structure of the atom incorporated quantum theory for the first time, and is the basis for present-day quantum-mechanical models. Bohr helped to develop the atom bomb in Britain and then in the US. Nobel Prize for Physics (1922).玻尔, 尼尔斯·亨德里克·大卫(1885-1962, 丹麦物理学家、量子物理学先驱, 其原子结构理论最先纳入了量子理论, 并且是现代量子力学模型的基础, 玻尔曾先后帮助英国和美国研制原子弹; 1922年获诺贝尔物理学奖)。