- bring down (one's foot) heavily on the ground or on something on the ground跺(脚); 用(脚)踩:
he stamped his foot in frustration
no obj. he threw his cigarette down and stamped on it他把香烟扔掉并踩了一脚
figurative〈喻〉Robertson stamped on all these suggestions.
- with obj. and adverbial crush, flatten, or remove with a heavy blow from one's foot(用脚用力)压碎; 碾平; 跺掉:
she stamped the snow from her boots.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction walk with heavy, forceful steps迈着沉重有力的脚步走:
John stamped off, muttering.
- impress a pattern or mark, especially an official one, on (a surface, object, or document) using an engraved or inked block or die or other instrument在(表面, 物体, 文件)上盖印:
the woman stamped my passport.
- impress (a pattern or mark) on something in such a way打上(或盖上)(标记, 图案):
a key with a number stamped on the shaft
figurative 〈喻〉it's one of those records that has 'classic' stamped all over it.
- make (something) by cutting it out with a die or mould(用印模)冲压:
the knives are stamped out from a flat strip of steel.
- figurative reveal or mark out as having a particular character, quality, or ability〈喻〉使显示出; 表现出:
his style stamps him as a player to watch.
- fix a postage stamp or stamps on to (a letter)贴邮票于(信):
Annie stamped the envelope for her.
- crush or pulverize (ore)捣碎(矿石), 压碎(矿石)。
- an instrument for stamping a pattern or mark, in particular an engraved or inked block or die图章; 戳, 印。
- a mark or pattern made by such an instrument, especially one indicating official validation or certification印记, 戳记:
passports with visa stamps
figurative〈喻〉the emperor gave them his stamp of approval.
- figurative a characteristic or distinctive impression or quality〈喻〉标志; 特征; 特质:
the whole project has the stamp of authority
even the least expensive movie bore the stamp of the studio's plush style.
- a particular class or type or person or thing类型, 种类, 类别:
empiricism of this stamp has been especially influential in British philosophy.
- a small adhesive piece of paper stuck to something to show that an amount of money has been paid, in particular a postage stamp自粘胶缴费凭证(尤指邮票):
a first-class stamp
TV licence stamps.
- an act or sound of stamping with the foot跺脚; 跺脚声:
the stamp of boots on the bare floor.
- a block for crushing ore in a stamp mill(捣矿机中用于捣碎矿石的)铁砧。
stamp one's authority(或 personality 或 style etc.)on
- have a strong or permanent influence on: he must be able to stamp his authority on the team.他一定要能够在自己的团队中树立威信。
nounstamp something out
- extinguish a fire by stamping on it踩灭:
he stamped out the flames before they could grow.
- suppress or put an end to something by taking decisive action(采取果断措施)镇压, 压制; 消灭:
urgent action is required to stamp out corruption.