- a point, period, or step in a process or development阶段; 时期; 步骤:
there is no need at this stage to give explicit details
I was in the early stages of pregnancy.
- a section of a journey or race旅程(或赛跑中)的一段:
the final stage of the journey is made by coach.
- Brit. short for FARE STAGE.〈英〉FARE STAGE的简称。
- each of two or more sections of a rocket or spacecraft that have their own engines and are jettisoned in turn when their propellant is exhausted(火箭或太空船的)级。
- with modifier Electronics a specified part of a circuit, typically one consisting of a single amplifying transistor or valve with the associated equipment【电子】(电路的)级。
- a raised floor or platform, typically in a theatre, on which actors, entertainers, or speakers perform舞台:
there are only two characters on stage.
the stage
the acting or theatrical profession戏剧, 戏剧表演; 演员职业:I've always wanted to go on the stage.
- in sing. a scene of action or forum of debate, especially in a particular political context(尤指政治语境下)事件发生场所, 活动进行地点; 论坛; 舞台:
Britain is playing a leading role on the international stage.
- a floor or level of a building or structure层, 楼层, 塔层:
the upper stage was added in the 17th century.
- (on a microscope) a raised and usually movable plate on which a slide or object is placed for examination(显微镜的)镜台。
- Geology (in chronostratigraphy) a range of strata corresponding to an age in time, forming a subdivision of a series【地质】(年代地质学用语)与某时代对应的一段地层, 层。
- (in palaeoclimatology) a period of time marked by a characteristic climate(古气候学用语)以特定气候为特征的时期, 期:
the Boreal stage.
- archaic term for STAGECOACH.〈古〉同STAGECOACH.
- present a performance of (a play or other show)表演, 上演(戏剧等):
the show is being staged at the Grand Opera House in Belfast.
- (of a person or group) organize and participate in (a public event)(个人, 团体)筹划, 谋划; 举行, 发动(公众事件):
UDF supporters staged a demonstration in Sofia.
- cause (something dramatic or unexpected) to happen使(突发或意外事件)发生:
the President's attempt to stage a comeback
the dollar staged a partial recovery.
- Medicine diagnose or classify (a disease or patient) as having reached a particular stage in the expected progression of the disease【医】把(疾病, 病人)诊断(或归类)为疾病的特定期。
hold the stage
- dominate a scene of action or forum of debate引人注目; 成为主导。
set the stage for
- prepare the conditions for (the occurrence or beginning of something)为…创造条件, 为…做好准备:
these churchmen helped to set the stage for popular reform.
stage left(或right)
- on the left (or right) side of a stage from the point of view of a performer facing the audience(演员面对观众时的)舞台左侧(或右侧)。