- a candle holder that is attached to a wall with an ornamental bracket(有装饰性支架的)壁式烛台。
- a flaming torch or candle secured in such a candle holder(壁式烛台上点燃的)火炬, 灯烛。
late Middle English (originally denoting a portable lantern with a screen to protect the flame):shortening of Old French esconse 'lantern', or from medieval Latin sconsa, from Latin absconsa (laterna) 'dark (lantern)' (i.e. a lantern with a device for concealing the light), from abscondere 'to hide'.
- archaic a small fort or earthwork defending a ford, pass, or castle gate〈古〉(防守要津、关隘、城门等的)小堡垒。
- a shelter or screen serving as protection from fire or the weather防火罩; 防雨罩。
late Middle English:from Dutch schans 'brushwood', from Middle High German schanze. The earliest recorded sense 'screen, interior partition' derives perhaps from SCONCE1; the later senses date from the late 16th cent.