- no obj. risk something, typically a sum of money, against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of a future event, such as the result of a race or game(就比赛等的结果)打赌, 赌博:
betting on horses
I wouldn't bet against him winning
with clause I would be prepared to bet that what he really wanted was to settle down我敢打赌他心里真正想要做的事情是设法安顿下来
with obj. most people would bet their life savings on the prospect多数人会为求得成功而将一生的积蓄孤注一掷
with obj. and clause he bet a hundred pounds that he could complete 200 miles.他以100英镑打赌说自己能跑完200英里。
- with obj. and clause risk a sum of money against (someone) on the outcome or happening of a future event与(某人)以钱打赌:
with two objs I bet you £15 you won't chat her up.我跟你赌15英镑, 你和她肯定搭不上话。
- with clause informal used to express certainty〈非正式〉敢说, 肯定:
I bet this place is really spooky late at night
he'll be surprised to see me, I'll bet.
我敢肯定, 他见到我一定会很惊讶的。
- an act of risking a sum of money in this way打赌, 赌博:
every Saturday she had a bet on the horses
for a bet he once rode 200 miles in nine hours.
为了打赌, 他有一次用九个小时骑了200英里。
- a sum of money staked in this way赌注:
the bookies are taking bets on his possible successor.
- with adj. informal a candidate or course of action to choose, offering likelihood of success to a specified degree〈非正式〉有可能成功的人选(或备选行动):
Town looked a good bet for victory
your best bet is to call the official liquidators.
one's bet
informal an opinion, typically one formed quickly or spontaneously〈非正式〉(一时产生的)想法, 感觉:my bet is that Liverpool won't win anything.
all bets are off
- informal the outcome of a situation is unpredictable〈非正式〉世事难料。
bet the farm
- N. Amer. informal risk everything that one owns on a bet, investment, or enterprise〈北美, 非正式〉(在赌博、投资或风险事业上)孤注一掷; 破釜沉舟:
this isn't a great time to bet the farm on the Internet.
don't (或wouldn't)bet on it
- informal used to express doubt about an assertion or situation〈非正式〉这拿不准:
he may be a suitable companion - but don't bet on it.
want to bet?
- informal used to express vigorous disagreement with a confident assertion〈非正式〉敢打赌吗?(用于表示强烈不同意某种说法):
'You can't be with me every moment.' 'Want to bet?'
you bet
- informal you may be sure; certainly〈非正式〉你放心; 当然, 一定:
'Would you like this piece of pie?' 'You bet!'