- of the most excellent or desirable type or quality最好的, 最优秀的:
the best midfielder in the country
how to obtain the best results from your machine
her best black suit.
- most enjoyable最称心的, 最快乐的:
some of the best times of my life.
- most appropriate, advantageous, or well advised最适当的, 最有利的, 明智的:
do whatever you think best
it's best if we both go.
- to the highest degree; most (used with verbs suggesting a desirable action or state or a successful outcome)最(与动词连用, 表述一个合意的举动、状态或成功的结果):
the one we liked best
you knew him best
well-drained soil suits it best.
- to the highest standard(规格上)最高地:
the best-dressed man in Britain
the things we do best.
- most suitably, appropriately, or usefully最合适地, 最恰当地:
this is best done at home
jokes are best avoided in essays.
- that which is the most excellent, outstanding, or desirable最好(或最优秀、最理想)的人(或物):
buy the best you can afford
Sarah always had to be the best at everything
a theory embodying the best of both socialism and capitalism.
- the most meritorious aspect of a thing or person主要优点, 最佳部分:
he brought out the best in people.
one's best
the highest standard or level that someone or something can reach最高标准, 最高水平, 最佳状态, 最佳局面:beyond the date shown the product will be past its best
超过标明的日期, 这个产品的质量就会打折扣的
this is jazz at its best
try to look your best.
one's best
one's smartest or most formal clothes最好的衣服, 盛装:she dressed in her best.
- (in sport) a record performance, especially a personal one(尤指个人)最好的(运动)成绩:
a lifetime best of 12.0 seconds.
a personal best.
- chiefly N. Amer. written at the end of a letter to wish a person well〈主北美〉(书信结尾处的)良好祝愿:
See you soon, best, Michael.
希望能很快见面, 祝好, 迈克尔。
- informal outwit or get the better of (someone)〈非正式〉智胜, 胜过:
she refused to allow herself to be bested.
all the best
- said or written to wish a person well on ending a letter or parting.祝一切顺利, 美好的祝愿(书信结尾或道别时用语)。
as best one can (或may)
- as effectively as possible under the circumstances尽最大努力:
I went about my job as best I could.
at best
- taking the most optimistic or favourable view最乐观地看, 充其量, 至多:
what signs there are of recovery are patchy at best.
纵有复苏的迹象, 充其量也只是局部的。
at the best of times
- even in the most favourable circumstances即使在最好时候:
his memory is poor at the best of times.
即使在最好的时候, 他记性也很差。
be best friends
- be mutually closest friends友好相处, 亲密无间:
he's best friends with Eddie.
be for (或all for)the best
- be desirable in the end, although not at first seeming so(初时虽则不妙)最终结果还是理想的。
best end
- Brit. the rib end of a neck of lamb or other meat〈英〉(羔羊等的)颈部肋条。
one's best friend
- one's closest or favourite friend密友, 挚友。
the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley
- proverb even the most careful planning doesn't necessarily ensure success〈谚〉即使是最周密详尽的计划也未必能确保成功, 计划再好也未必成功:
in the tradition of all best-laid plans, subsequent events overturned the scheme.
正如一切最周密详尽的计划一样, 随后发生的事情使这一阴谋失败了。
the best of friends
- very close friends挚友。
the best of three (或five等)
- victory achieved by winning the majority of a specified odd number of games三局两胜(或五局三胜等)。
the best part of
- most of…的大部分:
it took them the best part of 10 years.
best wishes
- an expression of hope for someone's future happiness or welfare, often written at the end of a letter“万事如意!”(常写在信尾处, 表示祝愿):
best wishes, Celia.
万事如意, 西莉亚。
one's best years
- the most vigorous and productive period of one's life; one's prime(一生的)黄金时光, 顶峰时期。
do (或try)one's best
- do all one can尽最大努力, 竭尽所能:
Ruth did her best to reassure her.
get the best of
- overcome (someone)战胜, 控制(某人):
his drinking got the best of him and he was fired.
他改不掉喝酒的习惯, 被解雇了。
give someone/thing best
- Brit. admit the superiority of someone or something〈英〉承认某人(或某事)优越, 向某人(或某事)认输。
had best do something
- find it most sensible or well advised to do the thing mentioned最好做某事:
I'd best be going.
make the best of
- derive what limited advantage one can from (something unsatisfactory or unwelcome)充分利用(不利情况)以获得最大好处:
you'll just have to make the best of the situation.
- use (resources) as well as possible充分利用(资源):
he tried to make the best of his talents.
make the best of a bad job
- Brit. do something as well as one can under difficult circumstances〈英〉在困难条件下尽力而为。
six of the best
- Brit., chiefly historical or humorous a caning as a punishment, traditionally with six strokes of the cane〈英, 主史或幽默〉六下子滋味(一种鞭刑, 受刑者挨六鞭)。
to the best of one's ability (或knowledge)
- as far as one can do (or know)就自己能力(或知识)所及:
the text is free of factual errors, to the best of my knowledge.
就我所知, 这篇课文中没有事实性错误。
with the best of them
- as well or as much as anyone不比任何人差:
he'll be out there dancing with the best of them.
他会去那儿跳舞, 而且跳得不比任何人差。