/bɪˈgɪn/- with obj. perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity)开始(行动或活动):
Peter had just begun a life sentence for murder
彼得因谋杀被判终身监禁, 才刚刚开始服刑
Nadia began work on a new project
with infinitive or present participle it was beginning to snow天已开始下雪
no obj. she began by rewriting the syllabus.她从重拟课程大纲着手。
- no obj. come into being or have its starting point at a certain time or place开始存在(或出现、发生):
a new era had begun
the tale begins with a sickly youth, Robin
故事开始讲一个多病的年轻人, 名叫罗宾
the cycleway begins at Livingston village.
- no obj.(of a person) hold a specified position or role before holding any other(人)(以某种职位)起步, 起家:
he began as a drummer.
- no obj.(of a thing) originate(事物)起源, 发源:
Watts Lake began as a marine inlet.
- no obj.(begin with) have as a first element以…开始:
words beginning with a vowel.
- no obj.(begin on/upon) set to work at着手进行:
Picasso began on a great canvas.
- with direct speech start speaking by saying开始说:
'Smith, ' he began.
- no obj.(begin at) (of an article) cost at least (a specified amount)最低价格为, 起步价为:
rooms begin at $139.
- no obj., with infinitive with negative informal have some chance or likelihood of doing a specified thing〈非正式〉有可能:
circuitry that Karen could not begin to comprehend.
to begin with
- at first首先。
- used to introduce the first of several points[用来引导若干问题中的第一个]首先:
such a fate is unlikely to befall him: to begin with, his is a genuine talent.
这种命运不可能落到他身上:首先, 他是个真正的人才。