a pop and rock group from Liverpool consisting of George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr. Remembered for the quality and stylistic diversity of their songs (mostly written by Lennon and McCartney), they achieved success with their first single 'Love Me Do'(1962) and went on to produce albums such as Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967).
披头士乐队(英国利物浦流行音乐和摇滚乐队, 由乔治·哈里森、约翰·伦农、保罗·麦卡特尼和林戈·斯塔尔四人组成, 其歌曲多由伦农和麦卡特尼创作, 以其质量上乘、风格多变而为人称颂, 他们的第一首单曲唱片歌曲《请爱我》[1962]获得成功, 继而推出各种唱片集, 如《佩铂军士孤独之心俱乐部乐队》[1967]等)。