- Solomon, son of David, king of ancient Israel c. 970-c. 930 BC. In the Bible Solomon is traditionally associated with the Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs, while his wisdom is illustrated by the Judgement of Solomon. Discontent with his rule, however, led to the secession of the northern tribes in the reign of his son Rehoboam.所罗门(大卫王之子, 约公元前970-约前930年为古以色列国王。传统上所罗门在《圣经》中与《雅歌》、《传道书》、《箴言篇》相联系, 而他的智慧在所罗门的审判中有详细阐述。然而, 由于不满他的统治, 他的儿子罗波安统治下的北方各部落后来从他的王国中脱离出去)。
- as noun(常作a Solomon)a very wise person智者。