Basil, St
/ˈbæzəl/- (c.330-79) , Doctor of the Church, bishop of Caesarea; known as St Basil the Great. Brother of St Gregory of Nyssa, he staunchly opposed Arianism and put forward a monastic rule which is still the basis of monasticism in the Eastern Church. Feast day, 14 June.圣巴西勒(约公元330-379, 早期基督教神学家, 凯撒里亚主教, 通称“圣大巴西勒”, 是尼萨的圣格列高利的哥哥, 坚决反对阿里乌教派并提出隐修院规章, 此规章至今在东正教会仍是隐修院制度的基础; 宗教节日6月14日)。