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N91347767ballSpoken.4819Fiction.10936Magazine.14681Newspaper.14014Academic.3317 V20859439ballSpoken.21Fiction.357Magazine.36Newspaper.22Academic.3Ball1, John (d.1381), English rebel. Ball was a priest who preached an egalitarian social message. He was excommunicated and imprisoned for heresy, and following the Peasants' Revolt was hanged as a traitor. 保尔, 约翰(卒于1381年, 英国农民起义领袖, 是宣讲社会均等的牧师, 被控信奉异教而被逐出教会并入狱, 农民起义后作为叛国者被绞死)。
Ball2, Lucille (1911-89), American comedienne, known in particular for the popular television series I Love Lucy (1951-5) 保尔, 露西尔(1911-1989, 美国女喜剧演员, 尤以1951-1955年电视连续剧《我爱露西》而闻名)。