- mass noun a game in which small balls are hit and then allowed to roll down a sloping board on which there are holes, each numbered with the score achieved if a ball goes into it, with pins acting as obstructions弹球游戏。
- a thing regarded as too unimportant or easy to be worth much consideration(无足轻重的)小事; 小把戏:
dealing with these boats was a mere bagatelle for the world's oldest yacht club.
对世界上资历最老的帆船俱乐部来说, 应付这些船简直就是小菜一碟。
- a short, light piece of music, especially one for the piano(尤指钢琴演奏的)轻快小曲。
mid 17th cent. (in sense 2): from French, from Italian bagatella, perhaps from baga 'baggage' or from a diminutive of Latin baca 'berry'. Sense 1 dates from the early 19th cent.