- a container of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things包; 袋子:
brown paper bags.
- the amount held by such a container(量词)袋:
a bag of sugar.
- a woman's handbag(女式)手提包。
- a piece of luggage一件行李:
she began to unpack her bags.
bags of
informal, chiefly Brit. plenty of〈非正式, 主英〉大量; 许多:I had bags of energy.
- Baseball a square, typically padded, marking each of the first, second, and third bases【棒球】垒, 垒包, 垒垫。
- the amount of game shot by a hunter(猎人的)全部猎物。
- (一般作bags)a loose fold of skin under a person's eye(眼)袋:
the bags under his eyes gave him a sad appearance.
- informal a woman, especially an older one, perceived as unpleasant, bad-tempered, or unattractive〈非正式〉老恶婆, 丑婆娘:
an interfering old bag.
Brit. dated loose-fitting trousers〈英, 旧〉松垂的裤子。
one's bag
informal one's particular interest or taste〈非正式〉爱好; 品味:if religion and politics are your bag you'll find something to interest you here.
如果宗教和政治是你的爱好, 你会在这儿找到乐趣的。
- (in southern Africa) a unit of measurement, used especially of grain, equal to 70 kg (formerly 200 lb)(南部非洲度量单位)袋(尤用于谷物, 一袋等于70千克, 过去为200磅)。
- put (something) in a bag把…装进袋子:
customers bagged their own groceries
we bagged up the apples.
- succeed in killing or catching (an animal)捕杀; 捕获(动物):
Mike bagged nineteen cod.
- figurative succeed in securing (something)〈喻〉成功获得:
we've bagged three awards for excellence
get there early to bag seat in the front row.
- no obj.(of clothes, especially trousers) hang loosely or become out of shape(服装, 尤指裤子)松垂; 变形:
these trousers never bag at the knee.
- often as noun bagging Austral./NZ informal criticize; disparage〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉批评; 贬低:
it's a pretty suspect outfit, deserving of the consistent bagging it gets from customers.
这是一个相当靠不住的设备, 难怪顾客一直在批评。
ORIGIN: 1960s: extended use of colloquial bag 'sack, dismiss'.
- N. Amer. informal abandon or give up on〈北美, 非正式〉抛弃; 放弃:
she ought to just bag this marriage and get on with her life.
她就是应该结束这段婚姻, 继续她自己的生活。
- N. Amer. informal fit (a patient) with an oxygen mask or other respiratory aid〈北美, 非正式〉给(病人)戴上氧气面罩(或其他呼吸器)。
bag and baggage
- with all one's belongings连同全部财物; 完全彻底地:
threw her out bag and baggage.
a bag of bones
- informal an emaciated person or animal〈非正式〉骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)。
a bag(或bundle)of nerves
- informal a person who is extremely timid or tense〈非正式〉极胆小(或紧张)的人。
a bag(或whole bag)of tricks
- informal a set of ingenious plans, techniques, or resources〈非正式〉一整套巧妙的计划(技巧或资源)。
bags(或bags I)
- Brit. informal a child's expression used to make a claim to something〈英, 非正式〉(儿童用语)要, 要求得到:
bags I his jacket.
in the bag
- (of something desirable) as good as secured(想得到之物)十拿九稳:
the election is in the bag.
- US drunk〈美〉喝醉的。