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N65015594baconSpoken.624Fiction.1092Magazine.1816Newspaper.1616Academic.446Bacon1, Francis, Baron Verulam and Viscount St Albans (1561-1626), English statesman and philosopher. As a scientist he advocated the inductive method; his views were instrumental in the founding of the Royal Society 1660. Notable works: The Advancement of Learning (1605) and Novum Organum (1620). 培根, 弗兰西斯(维鲁伦男爵和圣奥尔本斯子爵)(1561-1626, 英国政治家和哲学家。作为科学家他提倡归纳法; 其观点有助于1660年皇家学会的成立。代表作有: 《学术的进展》[1605]和《新工具》[1620])。
Bacon2, Francis (1909-92), Irish painter. His work chiefly depicts human figures in grotesquely distorted postures, set in confined interior spaces. 培根, 弗兰西斯(1909-1992, 爱尔兰画家, 他的作品主要描绘在有限内部空间里人物的怪诞扭曲形象)。
Bacon3, Roger (c.1214-94), English philosopher, scientist, and Franciscan friar. Most notable for his work in the field of optics, he emphasized the need for an empirical approach to scientific study. 培根, 罗杰(约1214-1294, 英国哲学家、科学家和方济各会修士, 以其光学研究而著名, 强调科学研究需采用经验性方法)。