mass noun
1- a board game in which two players move their pieces around twenty-four triangular points according to the throw of dice, the winner being the first to remove all their pieces from the board. It is among the most ancient of all games, having been played in its present form by the Romans.巴加门棋戏, 十五子棋戏(一种棋盘游戏, 双方各持15枚棋子, 掷骰子以点数在24个三角形尖头上推进棋子, 最早使自己所有棋子离盘者为胜; 此乃最古老的游戏之一, 古罗马人已开始采用其现代玩法)。
- count noun the most complete form of win in this game(巴加门棋戏中的)全胜。