an Israelite leader (probably 11th century
BC) famous for his strength (Judges 13-16). He fell in love with Delilah and confided to her that his strength lay in his uncut hair. She betrayed him to the Philistines who cut off his hair and blinded him, but his hair grew again, and he pulled down the pillars of a house, destroying himself and a large gathering of Philistines.
参孙(古以色列人领袖[约公元前11世纪], 以身强力大著称[《士师记》13-16]; 他爱上了大利拉并向她吐露他力大的秘密在于他未剪理的头发; 大利拉把他出卖给非利士人后非利士人剃去了他的头发, 把他的眼睛弄瞎, 但是他的头发又长了出来, 他拉倒房子的柱子, 使自己和一大群非利士人同归于尽)。