Rowntree, a family of English business entrepreneurs and philanthropists. Joseph (1801-59) was a grocer who established several Quaker schools. His son Henry Isaac (1838-83) founded the family cocoa and chocolate manufacturing firm in York, while his brother Joseph (1836-1925) became Henry's business partner in 1869 and founded three Rowntree trusts (1904) to support research into social welfare and policy.
朗特里家族(英国企业家和慈善家家族, 约瑟夫[1801-1859]是创办了数所贵格会教徒学校的杂货商, 其子亨利·艾萨克[1838-1883]在约克创建了家族的可可粉和巧克力制造厂, 而他的哥哥约瑟夫[1836-1925]于1869年成为他的生意合伙人, 并且于1904年成立了三个朗特里信托基金机构支持对社会福利和政策的研究)。