- Rousseau1, Henri (Julien) (1844-1910), French painter; known as le Douanier ('customs officer'). After retiring as a customs official in 1893, he created bold and colourful paintings of fantastic dreams and exotic jungle landscapes, such as Sleeping Gypsy (1897) and Tropical Storm with Tiger (1891).卢梭, 亨利(·朱利安)(1844-1910, 法国画家, 通称“关税员”; 1893年不做关税员后, 创作了富于想象力和颜色鲜艳的奇异梦境画和异国情调的丛林风景画, 例如, 《睡着的吉卜赛女郎》[1897]和《有老虎出没的热带风暴》[1891])。
- Rousseau2, Jean-Jacques (1712-78), French philosopher and writer, born in Switzerland. He believed that civilization warps the fundamental goodness of human nature, but that the ill effects can be moderated by active participation in democratic consensual politics. Notable works: Émile (1762) and The Social Contract (1762).卢梭, 让-雅克(1712-1778, 法国哲学家、作家, 生于瑞士; 他认为文明扭曲了人的本性之善, 但是这种恶果可以通过积极参与民主政治得到改变, 代表作品: 《爱弥尔》[1762]和《社会契约论》[1762])。
- Rousseau3,(Pierre Étienne) Théodore (1812-67), French painter. A leading landscapist of the Barbizon School, his works typically depict the scenery and changing light effects of the forest of Fontainebleau, for example Under the Birches, Evening (1842-4).卢梭, (皮埃尔·艾蒂安·)泰奥多尔(1812-1867, 法国画家, 作为巴比松画派重要的风景画家, 他的作品通常描绘枫丹白露森林的风景以及不断变化的光对它的影响, 例如, 《桦树下的黄昏》[1842-1844])。