/ˌrəʊbzˈpjeə, 〈法〉 ʀɔbɛspjɛʀ/- Robespierre, Maximilien François Marie Isidore de (1758-94), French revolutionary. As leader of the radical Jacobins in the National Assembly he backed the execution of Louis ⅩⅥ, implemented a purge of the Girondists, and initiated the Terror, but the following year he fell from favour and was guillotined.罗伯斯比尔, 马克西米利安·弗朗索瓦·马里·伊西多尔·德(1758-1794, 法国革命者; 作为国民议会激进的雅各宾派领袖, 他主张处决路易十六, 对吉伦特派成员进行清洗, 并且开始实行恐怖统治, 但是第二年即失去支持, 被送上断头台)。