- move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up升起; 上升:
the tiny aircraft rose from the ground.
- (of the sun, moon, or another celestial body) appear above the horizon(太阳、月亮或其他天体)出现在地平线上:
the sun had just risen.
- (of a fish) come to the surface of water(鱼)游上水面:
a fish rose and was hooked and landed.
一条鱼游到水面, 上了钩, 被钓上了岸。
- (of a voice) become higher in pitch(声音)变亮, 提高:
my voice rose an octave or two as I screamed.
我尖叫时, 嗓门升高了一两个八度。
- reach a higher position in society or one's profession(社会或职业的)地位升高:
the officer was a man of great courage who had risen from the ranks.
rise above
succeed in not being limited or constrained by (a restrictive environment or situation)摆脱; 不受(约束性环境)的影响:he struggled to rise above his humble background.
rise above
be superior to高出; 超越:I try to rise above prejudice.
- get up from lying, sitting, or kneeling起身; 站起:
she pushed back her chair and rose.
她把椅子向后一推, 站了起来。
- get out of bed, especially in the morning(尤指早上)起床:
I rose and got dressed.
- chiefly Brit. (of a meeting or a session of a court) adjourn〈主英〉休会; 散会; 休庭:
the judge's remark heralded the signal for the court to rise.
- be restored to life复活; 被救活:
your sister has risen from the dead.
- (of a wind) start to blow or to blow more strongly(风)起; (风力)增强:
the wind continued to rise.
- (of a river) have its source(河流)发源:
the Euphrates rises in Turkey.
- cease to be submissive, obedient, or peaceful起义; 反抗; 反叛:
the activists urged militant factions to rise up.
rise to
(of a person) react with annoyance or argument to (provocation)(人)怒斥, 怒对; 对…进行争辩:he didn't rise to my teasing.
rise to
find the strength or ability to respond adequately to (a challenging situation)奋起应付(难局); 能应付(难局):many participants in the race had never sailed before, but they rose to the challenge.
许多参赛者从来没有驾船航行过, 但是他们战胜了这一挑战。
- (of land or a feature following the contours of the land) incline upwards; become higher(土地, 地貌轮廓特征)隆起, 高起:
the moorlands rise and fall in gentle folds.
- (of a building, mountain, or other high object or structure) be much taller than the surrounding landscape(房屋, 山, 其他高的物体或建筑物)矗立; 高起:
the cliff rose more than a hundred feet above us.
- (of someone's hair) stand on end(毛发)竖起:
he felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck.
- (of a building) undergo construction from the foundations(建筑物)被建起:
rows of two-storey houses are slowly rising.
- (of dough) swell by the action of yeast(面团)发起, 发酵膨胀:
leave the dough in a warm place to rise.
- (of a bump, blister, or weal) appear as a swelling on the skin(肿块, 水疱, 伤痕在皮肤上)出现, 长出:
blisters rose on his burned hand.
- (of a person's stomach) become nauseated(胃)感到恶心:
Fabio's stomach rose at the foul bedding.
- increase in number, size, amount, or quality(数目, 尺寸, 数量)增加; 增长; 上涨; (质量)提高, 改善:
land prices had risen.
- (of the sea, a river, or other body of water) increase in height to a particular level, typically through tidal action or flooding(海水、河水或其他水域)上涨:
the river level rose so high the work had to be abandoned
河面涨得太高, 所以那项工程被迫放弃了
figurative 〈喻〉the rising tide of crime.
- (of an emotion) develop and become more intense(感情)产生并变得强烈:
he felt a tide of resentment rising in him.
- (of a sound) become louder; be audible above other sounds(声音)变响; 高出(其他声音):
her voice rose above the clamour.
- (of a person's mood) become more cheerful(情绪)变得更愉快:
her spirits rose as they left the ugly city behind.
当他们远离那个丑陋的城市时, 她的心情好转起来。
- (of the colour in a person's face) become deeper, especially as a result of embarrassment(尤指由于尴尬, 脸色)发红; 涨红:
he was teasing her, and she could feel her colour rising.
他在取笑她, 她能感到自己的脸涨得通红。
- (of a barometer or other measuring instrument) give a higher reading(气压表或其他测量仪器)读数升高。
approaching (a specified age)接近(某个年龄):she was thirty-nine rising forty.
- an upward movement; an instance of becoming higher上升; 升起:
the bird has a display flight of steep flapping rises.
- an act of a fish moving to the surface to take a fly or bait(鱼食假蝇或诱饵时)游上水面。
- an increase in sound or pitch(声音或声调的)提高:
the rise and fall of his voice.
- an instance of social, commercial, or political advancement(社会或政治上的)提升, 晋升; (商业的)兴起:
few models have had such a meteoric rise.
- an upward slope or hill岗; 坡; 小山; 高地。
- the vertical height of a step, arch, or incline(楼梯的)级高; (拱的)矢高; (斜坡的)垂直高度。
- an increase in amount, extent, size, or number(数量, 尺寸, 数目)增加; 增长; 上涨; (程度)加剧:
local people are worried by the rise in crime.
- Brit. an increase in salary or wages〈英〉工资(或薪水)的增加。
- in sing. a source; an origin源头; 起源:
it was here that the brook had its rise.
get(或take)a rise out of
- informal provoke an angry or irritated response from (someone), especially by teasing〈非正式〉(尤指因取笑)惹…恼怒。
on the rise
- becoming greater or more numerous; increasing在增加; 在增长; 在上升; 在上涨:
prices were on the rise.
- becoming more successful变得更成功:
young stars on the rise.
rise and shine
- usu. in imperative informal get out of bed smartly; wake up〈非正式〉快起床!醒醒吧!
rise to the bait
- 见BAIT.
rise with the sun(或lark)
- get up early in the morning早起。
someone's star is rising
- someone is becoming more successful or popular某人越来越成功(或受欢迎)。