mass noun
1- a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant暂息:
the refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering
in sing. a brief respite from a dire food shortage.严重食品短缺的短暂缓解。
- a short delay permitted before an unpleasant obligation is met or a punishment is carried out(债务等的)暂缓履行; (刑罚的)暂缓执行。
with obj.
1- rare postpone (a sentence, obligation, etc.)〈罕〉暂缓执行(判决); 暂缓履行(义务等):
the execution was only respited a few months.
- archaic grant a delay or extension of time to; reprieve from death or execution〈古〉把…推迟(或延期); 获(死刑的)缓期执行:
some poor criminal ... from the gibbet or the wheel, respited for a day.
某可怜罪犯…从绞刑台或轮式刑车, 获一天缓刑。
Middle English: from Old French respit, from Latin respectus 'refuge, consideration'.