- with obj. settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter)解决(问题、争端、争论等):
the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days.
- with obj. Medicine cause (a symptom or condition) to disperse, subside, or heal【医】使(症状、病情)消散, 消退, 治愈:
endoscopic biliary drainage can rapidly resolve jaundice.
- no obj.(of a symptom or condition) disperse, subside, or heal(症状, 病情)消散, 消退, 痊愈:
symptoms resolved after a median of four weeks.
- no obj. Music (of a discord) lead into a concord during the course of harmonic change【乐】(不协和音)转向协和。
- with obj. Music cause (a discord) to pass into a concord【乐】使(不协和音)转向协和音。
- no obj. decide firmly on a course of action决定, 决心:
with infinitive she resolved to ring Dana as soon as she got home.她决定一到家就给达纳去个电话。
- with clause(of a legislative body, committee, or other formal meeting) make a decision by a formal vote(立法机构、委员会等通过表决)正式决定, 决定:
the government resolved that the retail prices of a list of non-essential goods would be freed
with infinitive the conference resolved to support an alliance.会议决定支持结盟。
- chiefly Chemistry separate or cause to be separated into constituent parts or components.【主化】解析, 分解, 解离。
- with obj.
resolve something into
reduce a subject, statement, etc. by mental analysis into (separate elements or a more elementary form)将(问题、陈述等)分解为(各个不同因素或更基础的形式), 分析: the ability to resolve facts into their legal categories.
- no obj.(of something seen at a distance) turn into a different form when seen more clearly(当远处物体看得更清楚时)变成:
the orange light resolved itself into four roadwork lanterns.
- with obj.(of optical or photographic equipment) separate or distinguish between (closely adjacent objects)(光学仪器, 摄影器材)分辨(紧密相邻的物体), 辨析:
Hubble was able to resolve six variable stars in M31.
- with obj. separately distinguish (peaks in a graph or spectrum)辨析(图表或光谱峰值)。
- with obj. Physics analyse (a force or velocity) into components acting in particular directions【物理】分解(力或矢量)。
- firm determination to do something决心, 决定:
she received information that strengthened her resolve
count noun she intended to stick to her initial resolve.她打算坚持她最初的决定。
- count noun US a formal resolution by a legislative body or public meeting〈美〉(立法机构或公众大会的)正式决定, 决议。