(pl. -ies)
1- the office or period of government by a regent摄政; 摄政职位; 摄政时期。
- a commission acting as regent摄政委员会。
the Regency
the particular period of a regency, especially (in Britain) from 1811 to 1820 and (in France) from 1715 to 1723摄政时期(尤指英国1811-1820年的摄政时期和法国1715-1723年的摄政时期)。
- relating to or denoting British architecture, clothing, and furniture of the Regency or, more widely, of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Regency style was contemporary with the Empire style and shares many of its features: elaborate and ornate, it is generally neoclassical, with a generous borrowing of Greek and Egyptian motifs.英国摄政时期风格的(包括18世纪末19世纪初的建筑、服饰、家具等, 与法兰西帝国风格同时代并有很多类似之处: 华美绚丽, 常属新古典主义, 大量借鉴希腊和埃及图案)。
late Middle English: from medieval Latin regentia, from Latin regent- 'ruling' (see REGENT).