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N97569305(reed)Spoken.1573Fiction.2522Magazine.1630Newspaper.2552Academic.1028Reed1, Sir Carol (1906-1976), English film director. His films include Odd Man Out (1947), The Third Man (1949), and the musical Oliver! (1968), for which he won an Oscar. 里德, 卡罗尔爵士(1906-1976, 英国电影导演, 作品有《虎胆忠魂》[1947]、《第三人》[1949]、音乐剧《奥立弗!》[1968, 获奥斯卡奖])。
Reed2, Walter (1851-1902), American physician. He headed a group that were responsible for identifying the mosquito Aedes aegypti as carrier of yellow fever. They showed that the agent responsible was a virus - the first to be recognized as the cause of a human disease. 里德, 沃尔特(1851-1902, 美国内科医生, 他率领的调查小组确定埃及黑斑蚊是黄热病传播者, 证明导致黄热病的是一种病毒, 这是首个被确认的人类疾病致病病毒)。