Red River
- a river in the southern US, a tributary of the Mississippi, which rises in northern Texas and flows 1,966 km (1,222 miles) generally south-eastwards, forming part of the border between Texas and Oklahoma, and enters the Mississippi in Louisiana雷德河(美国南部一河流, 密西西比河一支流, 全长1,966公里, 即1,222英里, 发源于得克萨斯州北部, 流向东南, 构成该州与俄克拉何马州部分边界, 在路易斯安那州注入密西西比河)。亦称RED RIVER OF THE SOUTH.
- a river in the northern US and Canada, which rises in North Dakota and flows 877 km (545 miles) northwards, forming for most of its length the border between North Dakota and Minnesota, before entering Canada and emptying into Lake Winnipeg