释义 |
(in the Bible) one of the seven archangels in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. He is said to have 'healed' the earth when it was defiled by the sins of the fallen angels. 《圣经》拉弗尔(伪经《以诺书》中七个天使长之一, 据说地球被堕落天使玷污后, 他使其“恢复纯洁”)。
(1483-1520) , Italian painter and architect; Italian name Raffaello Sanzio. Regarded as one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance, he is particularly noted for his madonnas, including his altarpiece the Sistine Madonna (c.1513). 拉斐尔(1483-1520, 意大利画家、建筑师, 意大利语名拉法埃洛·圣齐奥, 被视为文艺复兴时期最伟大的艺术家之一, 尤以画圣母像著称, 包括圣坛背壁装饰画《西斯庭圣母》[约1513])。