

单词 Austin


the state capital of Texas; pop. 757,688 (est. 2008). First settled in 1835, it was named in 1839 after Stephen F. Austin, son of Moses Austin, leader of the first Texas colony.
奥斯汀(美国得克萨斯州首府, 2008年估计人口757,688; 1835年首批移民定居此地, 1839年以最初的得克萨斯殖民点首领摩西·奥斯汀的儿子斯蒂芬·F·奥斯汀的名字命名。)


Austin2, Herbert, 1st Baron Austin of Longbridge (1866-1941), British motor manufacturer. Among the cars produced by his factory the Austin Seven ('Baby Austin') was particularly popular. His company merged with Morris Motors in 1952 to form the British Motor Corporation.
奥斯汀, 赫伯特, 朗布里奇的奥斯汀男爵(第一)(1866-1941, 英国汽车制造商, 其工厂所生产的汽车中奥斯汀七型, 即“奥斯汀宝贝”最受欢迎; 1952年其公司与莫里斯汽车公司合并成立了英国汽车公司)。


Austin3, John (1790-1859), English jurist. His work is significant for its strict delimitation of the sphere of law and its distinction from that of morality.
奥斯汀, 约翰(1790-1859, 英国法学家, 其著作严格划分了法律的范畴并区分了法律与道德, 具有深远的影响)。


Austin4, J. L. (1911-60), English philosopher; full name John Langshaw Austin. A careful exponent of linguistic philosophy, he pioneered the theory of speech acts, pointing out that utterances can be used to perform actions as well as to convey information. Notable works: Sense and Sensibilia and How to Do Things with Words (both 1962).
奥斯汀, J·L(1911-1960, 英国哲学家, 全名约翰·兰肖·奥斯汀, 语言哲学严谨的阐述者, 率先提出了言语行为理论, 指出话语既可以用于传递信息也可以用于实施动作; 代表作品: 《理智和情感》[1962]和《如何用言语办事》[1962])。




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