- the state capital of North Carolina; pop. 392,552 (est. 2008).罗利(美国北卡罗来纳州首府, 2008年估计人口392,552)。
- Sir Walter (c.1552-1618), English explorer, courtier, and writer. A favourite of Elizabeth I, he organized several voyages of exploration and colonization to the Americas, and introduced potato and tobacco plants to England. Imprisoned in 1603 by James I on a charge of conspiracy, he was released in 1616 to lead an expedition in search of El Dorado, but was executed on the original charge when he returned empty-handed.罗利, 沃尔特爵士(约1552-1618, 英国探险家、朝臣、作家; 作为伊丽莎白一世宠臣, 他组织了若干次前往美洲的探险和殖民活动, 并把马铃薯、烟草等植物引入英国; 1603年以谋反罪被詹姆斯一世监禁, 1616年获释并带领探险队到美洲寻找黄金国, 但在空手而归时以原有罪名被处死)。