- each of four equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided四分之一:
she cut each apple into quarters
a page and a quarter
a quarter of a mile.
- a period of three months regarded as one fourth of a year, used especially in reference to financial transactions such as the payment of bills or a company's earnings(尤指财务往来)季, 季度, 三个月:
the payment for each quarter's electricity is made in the next quarter.
- a period of fifteen minutes or a point of time marking the transition from one fifteen-minute period to the next一刻钟, 十五分钟:
he sat with his pint until a quarter past nine.
- a coin representing 25 cents, a quarter of a US or Canadian dollar.(美国或加拿大的)二十五分硬币。
- each of the four parts into which an animal's or bird's carcass may be divided, each including a leg or wing(包括一条腿或一个翅膀的)四分之一畜体(或鸟身)。
the haunches or hindquarters of a horse(马的)腰腿, 臀部及后腿。
- one fourth of a lunar month太阴月的四分之一。
- (in basketball, American football, and Australian Rules) each of four equal periods into which a game is divided(篮球、美式橄榄球和澳式橄榄球比赛的)一节, 一局。
- chiefly US one of four terms into which a school or university year may be divided〈主美〉学季, 四分之一学年。
- one fourth of a measure of weight, in particular四分之一重量, 尤指:
- one fourth of a pound weight (avoirdupois, equal to 4 ounces)四分之一磅(常衡等于四盎司)。
- one fourth of a hundredweight (Brit. 28 lb or US 25 lb)四分之一英担(英国为28磅, 美国为25磅)。
- Brit. a grain measure equivalent to 8 bushels〈英〉八蒲式耳谷量。
- usu. with adj. or noun a part of a town or city having a specific character or use(城镇有独特风格或用途的)部分, 一角:
it is a beautiful port city with a fascinating medieval quarter.
那是一个美丽的港口城市, 其中一角有迷人的中世纪色彩。
- the direction of one of the points of the compass, especially as a direction from which the wind blows(罗盘上四个点之一所指的)方向, 方位; (尤指)风向。
- a particular but unspecified person, group of people, or area某人; 某团体; 某区域:
we have just had help from an unexpected quarter.
- either side of a ship aft of the beam船侧后部, 船舷后部:
he trained his glasses over the starboard quarter.
rooms or lodgings, especially those allocated to servicemen or to staff in domestic service住处; 营房, 营舍:they lived in RAF married quarters.
- mass noun pity or mercy shown towards an enemy or opponent who is in one's power(对降敌或认输对手的)同情, 怜悯; 宽恕, 宽容:
the riot squad gave no quarter.
- Heraldry each of four or more roughly equal divisions of a shield separated by vertical and horizontal lines【纹章】盾的四分之一(或更小的部分)。
- a square charge which covers the top left (dexter chief) quarter of the field(盾的)上部侧面方形图记。
- divide into four equal or corresponding parts将…四等分, 将…分为四部分:
peel and quarter the bananas.
- historical cut (the body of an executed person) into four parts〈史〉把(死刑者)肢解成四部分:
the plotters were hanged, drawn, and quartered.
- cut (a log) into quarters, and these into planks so as to show the grain well(为突出纹理)径锯, 四分周锯割, 四开(圆木)。
be quartered
with adverbial of place be stationed or lodged in a specified place驻扎; 住宿; 寄宿:many were quartered in tents.
quarter someone on
impose someone on (another person) as a lodger强行让(某人)到(他人家里)做房客:you would have had her quartered on you forever.
- range over or traverse (an area) in every direction在(某处)来回移动(或四处走动):
we watched a pair of kingfishers quartering the river looking for minnows.
我们看到一对翠鸟在河面上飞来飞去, 寻找小鱼。
- no obj., with adverbial of direction move at an angle; go in a diagonal or zigzag direction(成一定角度)移动; 斜向(或之字形)行进:
his young dog quartered back and forth in quick turns.
- Heraldry display (different coats of arms) in quarters of a shield, especially to show arms inherited from heiresses who have married into the bearer's family【纹章】展示, 炫耀(盾的四分之一部位上的不同纹章):
Edward III quartered the French royal arms with his own.
- divide (a shield) into four or more parts by vertical and horizontal lines将(盾)纵横划为四(或更多)部分。