/ˈprʌʃə/- a former kingdom of Germany. Originally a small country on the SE shores of the Baltic, under Frederick the Great it became a major European power covering much of modern NE Germany and Poland. After the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1 it became the centre of Bismarck's new German Empire, but following Germany's defeat in the First World War the Prussian monarchy was abolished.普鲁士(德国昔日一王国, 最初为波罗的海东南岸小国, 弗雷德里克大帝统治时期成为欧洲强国, 覆盖今德国东北大部和波兰; 普法战争[1870-1871]之后, 成为俾斯麦新德意志帝国的中心, 但第一次世界大战德国战败后, 普鲁士君主政体被废除)。